Most legitimate moving companies only ask for a small down payment. In fact, many carriers do not even ask for a down payment, but simply pay on delivery. A company asking for a significantly larger down payment is likely to be a scam, 4 Aug.
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Which Moving Company is the Best for Your Needs?
4 minutes readWe researched dozens of full-service & self-service moving companies & formulated a ranking system based on several factors including package options pricing & reputation.
Can i dispute a charge from a moving company?
2 minutes readIf a problem arises with the carrier of household goods (moving company), you must first try to reach an agreement to resolve the dispute. Initiate legal action against the moving company.
What should i do before the movers come?
3 minutes readGo around one room at a time and throw away any useless or unused items you find. Order them in boxes labeled Trash Bin, Donate and Gift.
When should you move into a new house?
2 minutes readThe first priority should be items completed that week, such as safety issues, cleaning, unpacking, etc. Priority two should be tasks completed in the next two months, related to organization, maintenance and remaining unpacking.