Most legitimate moving companies only ask for a small down payment. In fact, many carriers do not even ask for a down payment, but simply pay on delivery. A company asking for a significantly larger down payment is likely to be a scam, 4 Aug.
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Is Starting a Moving Company a Good Business Idea?
1 minute readAre you an entrepreneur looking for a stable industry to invest in? Starting a moving company could be the perfect option for you. With low start-up costs and overheads, you can get your business up and running in no time.
What is the average cost of movers in dublin?
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What are the best ways to find affordable movers?
1 minute readRating 4, 8 · Review by Stephanie Koncewicz 5 days ago · We compared the top cheap moving companies in the table below. You can use the included links to get free quotes from each provider.